Thursday, May 1, 2008


i just realized that i ryhmed a WHOLE bunch in my last blog!!! XD wow........go team lauren!


so pretty much this is the only thing besides AIM that works on my computer right now. youtube is being LAME and myspace is being LAME and nerdfighters.ning is being LAME......well....not really.....BUT TWITTER is being LAME!!!

BTW at buena today and through sunday and next week too the play little shop of horrors is being put on. my friend Alex is the lead so go! watch him! cheer him on! i'm totally excited......but I'm going to go see it on saturdya next week...anywho........GO SEE IT!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Saturday, March 22, 2008

I'm famous 'round these parts...

I was put in the paper today yo! Section B, page 8. It's not much, just a little excerpt. It's about college! >D

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Ellen Wittlinger is coming out with a sequel to Hard Love!!!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

I have to say..

I love Yelle, but this video's dancing style is just really bad....

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Eggsrolls is our new youtube account for posting videos. BUT!.....That's all I have to say. And good day world!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Thirteen Reasons Why

by Jay Asher.

I picked it up at Barnes and Noble on Saturday and read half way through the book in the store. I obviously bought it. I recommend it entirely. It's one of those books where everything comes full circle, everything is there for a reason, anyone named plays a part. I thought I knew the ending of the book, but I was completely wrong. NOW READ IT!! :3

Thursday, March 6, 2008


I like ze Trebuchet font. Ish nice. Well this blog is to start within 5 months. There's a new addition such as Bulgaria. We are the Cheese and Crackers! We also have the choice of changing the domain to Not so tasty once you think about it, but anything to do with cheese and crackers is already taken. ARG! At least I don't think my blog will be as boring now. Just a little more updating now. Now to get this out to the world!

Friday, February 29, 2008

Monstrous Monstro

1. Put your music player on shuffle:
2. Press forward for each question
3. Use the song title as the answer to the question even if it doesn't make sense.

How do you feel today?
Dialogue - Chapter 7

What's your outlook on life?
Tainted Love

What does your family think of you?
Wake the Dead

What do your friends think of you?
Ready Steady GO!

What do strangers think of you?
Runner's High

What do your ex(s) think of you?
Seymour's Ambition

How is your love life?
Lemmings on the Run

How will your love life be in the future?
Waiting on the World to Change

Will you get married?
There's a Fire

Will you have kids?
Violent Emotion

What song should they play on your birthday?

What song should they play at your funeral?
Damaged People. (Coincidence? I think not!)

Soundtrack of your life?

You and your best friend are?
Outsiders (No joke)

Happy Times:
Everytime we Touch (I still have this stupid song??)

Sad times:
Lost girl

How to Save a Life

For tomorrow:
Something - Blue Jay Way 

For Your Love:
Without it

What do you say when life gets too hard?

What song will you dance to at your wedding?
Fool's Paradise

What do you want as a career?
The White Witch

Your favorite feeling?
James Bond (Does that mean I want to bang James Bond, or my favorite feeling is getting an orgasm from him? Because it's not working.....)

Your favorite saying?
Jump Around

How will you die?
I've Seen Better Days (Ironic, no? XD)

What are you doing right now?
Invader Zim Elevator Music

What do you think of your boyfriend/girlfriend?
Girl's Against Boys

What do you think of your siblings?
Because it's not love

What do you think of your parents?
Uncle Johnny

What will you title this as?
Monstrous Monstro