Friday, February 29, 2008

Monstrous Monstro

1. Put your music player on shuffle:
2. Press forward for each question
3. Use the song title as the answer to the question even if it doesn't make sense.

How do you feel today?
Dialogue - Chapter 7

What's your outlook on life?
Tainted Love

What does your family think of you?
Wake the Dead

What do your friends think of you?
Ready Steady GO!

What do strangers think of you?
Runner's High

What do your ex(s) think of you?
Seymour's Ambition

How is your love life?
Lemmings on the Run

How will your love life be in the future?
Waiting on the World to Change

Will you get married?
There's a Fire

Will you have kids?
Violent Emotion

What song should they play on your birthday?

What song should they play at your funeral?
Damaged People. (Coincidence? I think not!)

Soundtrack of your life?

You and your best friend are?
Outsiders (No joke)

Happy Times:
Everytime we Touch (I still have this stupid song??)

Sad times:
Lost girl

How to Save a Life

For tomorrow:
Something - Blue Jay Way 

For Your Love:
Without it

What do you say when life gets too hard?

What song will you dance to at your wedding?
Fool's Paradise

What do you want as a career?
The White Witch

Your favorite feeling?
James Bond (Does that mean I want to bang James Bond, or my favorite feeling is getting an orgasm from him? Because it's not working.....)

Your favorite saying?
Jump Around

How will you die?
I've Seen Better Days (Ironic, no? XD)

What are you doing right now?
Invader Zim Elevator Music

What do you think of your boyfriend/girlfriend?
Girl's Against Boys

What do you think of your siblings?
Because it's not love

What do you think of your parents?
Uncle Johnny

What will you title this as?
Monstrous Monstro